Search - NB Authors' Archival Papers project

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Displaying 526 - 550 of 595
Yeoman, Eric M. Poems. Toronto, ON, 1910. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Betts, Craven L. The perfume holder; a Persian love poem. New York, NY: Monarch Press, 1910, 53 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Hickman, William A. An unofficial love-story. Toronto, ON: Musson, 1910. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Gaudet, Placide. Généalogie des familles acadiennes : avec documents. Ottawa, ON: Imp. du Roi, 1906, 240 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Walker, Abraham B. "The Negro Problem, and How to Solve It, No. 1, Part 5." Neith, vol. 1, no. 5, 1904. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Walker, Abraham B. "The Negro Problem and How to Solve it. No. I. Part 4." Neith, vol. 1, no. 4, 1903. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Walker, Abraham B. "The Negro Problem and How to Solve it. No. 1. Part 3." Neith, vol. 1, no. 3, 1903. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Walker, Abraham B. "The Negro Problem and How to Solve it. No. I. Part 2." Neith, vol. 1, no. 2, 1903. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Walker, Abraham B. "The Negro Problem, and How to Solve it. No. 1 Part 1." Neith, vol. 1, no. 1, 1903. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Jack, David R. Acadian Magazines. Ottawa, ON: J. Hope, 1903. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Sherman, Francis J. A Canadian calendar : XII lyrics. Habana, Cuba, 1900. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Rand, Theodore H. A treasury of Canadian verse : with brief biographical notes. Toronto, ON: W. Briggs, 1900, 412 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Rand, Theodore H. Song-waves. Toronto, ON: W. Briggs, 1900, 121 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Parkin, George R. Edward Thring, headmaster of Uppingham School : life, diary and letters. London, England: Macmillan, 1900, 518 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Butler, James E. Initiation, a collection of poems. Newcastle, NB: Butler, 1900, 30 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project, New Brunswick Imprints

Hickman, William A. Handbook of New Brunswick (Canada). Fredericton, NB: Crown Land Department, 1900. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project, New Brunswick Imprints

Betts, Craven L. A garland of sonnets : in praise of the poets. New York, NY: M.F. Mansfield and A. Wessels, 1899. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Roberts, William C., Roberts, Theodore G., and Macdonald, Elizabeth R. Northland lyrics. Boston, MA: Small, Maynard, 1899, 86 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Marquis, Thomas G. Marguerite de Roberval : a romance of the days of Jacques Cartier. London, England: Fisher Unwin, 1899, 250 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Sherman, Francis J. A prelude. Boston, MA: Copeland and Day, 1897, 10 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Rand, Theodore H. At Minas Basin and other poems. Toronto, ON: W. Briggs, 1897, 173 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Sherman, Francis J. Matins. Boston, MA: Copeland and Day, 1896, 58 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Sherman, Francis J. In memorabilia mortis. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1896, 11 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project