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Pickard, Humphrey. Wesleyan Methodism in the Miramichi Circuit. British North American Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, vol. 1, 1841, 434-438. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Pickard, Humphrey. Richibucto Circuit. British North American Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, vol. 1, 1841, 438-439. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Leggett, William M. Wesleyan Methodism in Fredericton. British North American Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, vol. 1, 1841, 391-399. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Ward, Edmund. An account of the River St. John, with its tributary rivers and lakes. Fredericton, N.B.: Printed at the Sentinel Office, 1841, 96 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Eaton, W. W. A Brief Sketch of the Different Kinds of Baptists. The Christian, vol. 2, 1840. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Birkmyre, J. A Sermon on the Sanctification of the Lord's Day, etc. "Royal Gazette": Fredericton, 1840, 16 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints, Religion

Leggett, William M. Sacred Poetry by a Wesleyan Minister. Fredericton, NB: Printed at the Sentinel Office, 1840, 22 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project, New Brunswick Imprints

Pickard, Hannah Maynard. Procrastination, or, Maria Louisa Winslow. Boston, MA: D.S. King, 1840, 115 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Canadian Wesleyan Methodist New Connexion Church. [Journal] British North American Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine. The British North American Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, 1840. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Gray, John William Dering. A sermon preached at Trinity Church, St. John, N.B., on Sunday, 24th November, 1839. St John, N.B.: Wm. L. Avery, 1839, 13 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints, Religion

[Journal] The Christian. Saint John: W.W. Eaton, 1839. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Paterson, James. A manual on the use of the globes, in two parts Part I, On the terrestrial globe. Saint John, N.B.: Printed by H. Chubb and sold by W. Reynolds, D. M'Millan, and W.L. Avery, 1838, 95 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints