Copleston, Edward, Inglis, John, Sumner, John B., Church Of England. Diocese Of Nova Scotia, and Society For The Propagation Of The Gospel In Foreign Parts (Great Britain).
Two Sermons Preached Before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at Their Anniversary Meetings, in the Parish Church of St. Mary-Le-Bow on Friday, May 17, 1833, by the Right Reverend Edward, Lord Bishop of Llandaff: And on Friday, May 16, 1834, by the Right Reverend John Bird, Lord Bishop of Chester: Together with the Report of the Society for the Year 1833: To Which Are Annexed, Lists of the Society's Missionaries, Catechists, and Schoolmasters, of the Incorporated and Associated Members, and of the Diocesan and District Committees.
London, UK: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and sold by J. G. and F. Rivington, 1834, 72 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Wiggins, Gilbert L.
Farewell Sermon Preached in St. John's Church, Greenwich, on Sunday, July 28th, and in St. Peters Church, Westfield, on Sunday, August 4th, 1833: With a Hymn Composed for the Occasion.
[Boston, MA], 1833, 28 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Murray, Lindley.
Murray's English reader, or, Pieces in prose and poetry, selected from the best writers : designed to assist young persons to read with ropriety and effect, to improve their language and sentiments, and to inculcate some of the most important principles of piety and virtue : preceded by an introduction to Walker's system of the inflections, illustrated by suitable examples / revised, and interspersed with many new pieces.
St, John, N.B.: J. & A. McMillan, 1832. [ book ]
Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints
Inglis, John.
A Form of Prayer to Be Used in All Churches, Chapels and Places of Public Worship, According to the Usage of the Church of England, Thoughout His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick, on Wednesday, the 23rd Day of May 1832...
Fredericton, NB: John Simpson, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1832, 15 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
United Church Of England And Ireland.
A Form of Prayer: To Be Used in All Churches, Chapels and Places of Worship, According to the Usage of the Church of England, Throughout His Majesty's Province of New-Brunswick, on Wednesday, the 23rd Day of May 1832: Being the Day Appointed by Proclamation for a General Fast and Humiliation Before Almighty God, to Be Observed in the Most Devout and Solemn Manner, by Sending Our Prayers an Supplications to the Divine Majesty: For Obtaining Pardon of Our Sins, and for Averting Those Judgments Which Our Manifold Provocations Have Deserved.
Fredericton, NB, 1832, 15 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
MacLean, John.
A Sermon Preached in the Court House, Richibucto, on Tuesday, January 13, 1829 Before the Magistrates, Juries, and Other Inhabitants, at the Opening of the General Sessions, Being the Term at Which Licences Are Granted Annually to the Retailers of Spirituous Liquors.
Saint Andrews, NB, 1829, 19 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints