Burns, George.
Prayers Adapted for Public Worship, the Domestic Altar, Sunday Schools, and the Chamber of Sickness and Death. To Which Are Added, Prayers for the Use of Young Persons, and Graces Before and After Meals. with a Conclusion, Recommendatory of Prayer as a Christian Duty.
Saint John, NB: Cameron and Seeds, at the Office of the Weekly Obserer, 1829, 198 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
An Almanack for the year of Our Lord, 1828 being bissextile or leap year, and the ninth year of the reign of His Most Gracious Majesty King George IV, calculated for the meridian of Saint John, N.B., but which will serve for any part of the province: containing besides various other useful articles, the universal calendar, feasts and fasts of the Church, eclipses of the luminaries ... a correct list of the militia officers in the province of New Brunswick, &c., & c, &c.
Saint John N.B.: Henry Chubb, 1827. [ book ]
Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints
Alder, Robert, M'leod, Alexander, and Priestley, James.
A Defence of the Proceedings of the Extra District Meeting, of the Wesleyan Missionaries, Begun in Saint John, New-Brunswick, Thursday, July 29, 1824: Together with the Communications That Were Published Against Them.
Saint John, NB: Henry Chubb, 1825, 64 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Alder, Robert.
A Sermon Delivered in the Wesleyan Chapel, City of Saint John, on Occasion of the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett, Wife of the Rev. William Bennett, Wesleyan Minister, Who Departed This Life, at Newport, Nova Scotia, February 12th, 1825.
Saint John, NB: Henry Chubb, 1825, 19 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Kiernan, Bernard.
An Almanack for the year of Our Lord, 1825 being the first after bissextile or leap year, calculated for the meridian of Saint John, N.B., being in latitude 45 ̊20' north, longitude 66 ̊3' west, but will serve for any part of the province.
Saint John, N.B.: Printed and sold by Henry Chubb, 1824, 54 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints