Search - Local history

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Corey, J. B. New Canaan Early Settlers: The Ancestors of Our Community and Church and Reminiscences. Durham Bridge, NB: Guidecraft Printing, 1992, 111 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Cormier, Pierre. "À l'école / Education." Bouctouche, Reflets D'Un Passé: Album de Photographies historiques commentées. Bouctouche, NB: Bouctouche Bicentennial Committee, 1984, 175-176. [ book section ]

Collection(s): Religion

Reppert, Wade L. "Pale of the Church; a Pastoral History of Grand Manan, Part 1: The Struggle for Mores, 1784-1856." Grand Manan Historian, no. 21, 1979, 1-49. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion