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Displaying 1 - 25 of 126
Campbell, Jacobina, Campbell, Gail G., and Young, Murray. A Calendar of Life in a Narrow Valley: Jacobina Campbell's Diary, Taymouth, New Brunswick, 1825-1843. Fredericton, NB: Acadiensis Press, 2015, 251 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

MacKay, Garth M. The Holiness Movement in the Canadian Maritime Region, 1880-1920. 2014. University of Stirling. Ph.D.. [ thesis ]

Collection(s): Religion

Shanklin, Thomas L. Downeast-Upcountry: A Place, a Family, a Time. Thomas L. Shanklin, 2013, 293 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Somerville, Graeme F. Full Name Index for a Century of Methodist Baptisms in Saint John and Portland, NB 1811-1910. Saint John, NB: [G.F. Somerville], 2012, 127 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Somerville, Graeme F. A Century of Methodist Baptisms in Saint John and Portland NB 1811-1910. Saint John, NB: Graeme F. Somerville, 2011, 278 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Lane, Hannah M. Methodist Church Members, Lay Leaders, and Socio-Economic Position in Mid-Nineteenth Century St. Stephen, New Brunswick. 2004. University of New Brunswick (Canada). Ph.D.. [ thesis ]

Collection(s): Religion

Whytock, Jack. "Huntingdonian Missionaries to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: a study in Calvinistic Methodism, The." Canadian Society of Church History Historical Papers, 2003, 12. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Acheson, Thomas W. "Evangelicals and Public Life in Southern New Brunswick, 1830-1880." Edited by Van Die, Marguerite. Religion and Public Life in Canada: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2001, 50-68. [ book section ]

Collection(s): Religion

Lane, Hannah M. "'Pence of the Poor and Pounds of the Rich, The': Methodist Church Finance and Wealth-Holding in Mid-Nineteenth Century St. Stephen, New Brunswick." Papers - Canadian Methodist Historical Society, 1997-98, 1999, 90-116. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Robinson, Phyllis R. Jacksonville United Church of Canada. Phyllis (Rideout) Robinson, 1998. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Collection(s): Religion

Semple, Neil. The Lord's Dominion: The History of Canadian Methodism. Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen's U.P., 1996, 565 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Walsh, Craig and Wesley United Church. A St. Andrews look at Methodism to 1925: the 95 years before Wesley United. St. Andrews, NB: Wesley United Church, 1996, 64 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Mair, Nathan H. Maritime Methodism and the Social Gospel, 1902-1925. Maritime Conference Archives of the United Church of Canada, 1995. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Carney, Robert. "Aboriginal Residential Schools Before Confederation: The Early Experience." Historical Studies - Canadian Catholic Historical Association, vol. 61, 1995, 13-40. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Somerville, Graeme F. Essays on the Two Hundredth Anniversary of Centenary-Queen Square United Church, Saint John, N.B. Saint John, NB: Centenary-Queen Square United Church, 1995, 58 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Lane, Hannah M. "Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend: Methodist Women in St. Stephen, N.B." Edited by Guildford, Janet V., and Morton, Suzanne. Separate Spheres: Women's Worlds in the 19th-Century Maritimes. Fredericton, NB: Acadiensis Press, 1994. [ book section ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Richardson, W. R. "Methodist Revivalism and the Baptists of Eastern British America in 1858." A Fragile Stability: Definition and Redefinition of Maritime Baptist Identity. Hantsport, NS: Lancelot Press, for Acadia Divinity College and Baptist Historical Committee of the United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces, 1994. [ book section ]

Collection(s): Religion

Dobson, Shirley A. The Word and the Music The Story of Moncton's Central United Church and its Methodist Roots. Moncton NB: Central United Church, 1994, 280 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Acheson, Thomas W. "Methodism and the Problem of Methodist Identity in Nineteenth-Century New Brunswick." Edited by Scobie, Charles H., and Grant, John W. The Contribution of Methodism to Atlantic Canada. Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1992, 107-123. [ book section ]

Collection(s): Religion

Contribution of Methodism to Atlantic Canada. McGill-Queen's U.P., 1992. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Davies, Gwendolyn. "'In the Garden of Christ': Methodist Literary Women in Nineteenth-Century Maritime Canada." Edited by Scobie, Charles H., and Grant, John W. The Contribution of Methodism to Atlantic Canada. Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen's U. P., 1992, 205-217. [ book section ]

Collection(s): Religion

Carleton-Kirk United Church. Sharing the Journey, 1841-1991. Saint John, NB: Carleton-Kirk United Church, 1991, 137 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Dobson, Shirley A. Methodism at The Bend and the Free Meeting House. , 1989, 32 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion