Displaying 126 - 137 of 137
Andrews, Samuel.
Sermon, Preached in Trinity Church, Kingston, July 16th, 1809.
Saint John, NB: J. S. Mott, 1809, 16 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Beardsley, John A. M.
A Sermon Delivered in Trinity Church, at St. John, the 24th of June. 1803, to the Free Masons, Met to Celebrate the Memory of St. John the Baptist.
Saint John, NB: J. S. Mott, 1803, 8 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Viets, Roger.
Sermon Preached at Sissaboo, Now Called Weymouth, in Nova-Scotia, on the 15th October, 1797.
Saint John, [NB]: John Ryan, 1799, 15 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Manners-sutton, Charles and Society For The Propagation Of The Gospel In Foreign Parts.
A Sermon Preached Before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts: At Their Anniversary Meeting in the Parish Church of St. Mary-Le-Bow on Friday, February 17, 1797.
London, UK: S. Brooke in Warwick-Lane, 1797, 78 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Bisset, George A. M.
Pleasures and Advantages of Brotherly Love; a Sermon Preached Before the Right Worshipful Master Warden and Brethren of the 5th Regimental Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, in the Parish Church, St. John, Dec. 25, 1786.
Saint John, NB: Gazette Office, 1787. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Alline, Henry.
Sermon Preached to, and at the Request, of a Religious Society of Young Men United and Engaged for the Maintaining and Enjoying of Religious Worship in Liverpool, on the 19th November, 1782.
Halifax, NS: A. Henry, 1782, 36 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Inglis, Charles.
The Duty of Honouring the King, Explained and Recommended: In a Sermon Preached in St. George's and St. Paul's Chapels, New-York, on Sunday, January 30, 1780 ; Being the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of King Charles I.
New York, NY: Gaine, 1780, 40 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Inglis, Charles.
A Sermon on Philip. III. 20, 21: Occasioned by the Death of Samuel Auchmuty, D. D., Rector of Trinity Church, New-York, Preached March 9, 1777.
New York: Gaine, 1777, 28 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Inglis, Charles.
A Sermon on II Corinth. V. 6: Occasioned by the Death of John Ogilvie, D. D. Assistant Minister of Trinity Church, New-York.
New York, NY: Gaine, Bible and Crown, 1774, 30 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Osbaldeston, Richard and Society For The Propagation Of The Gospel In Foreign Parts.
A Sermon Preached Before the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts: At Their Anniversary Meeting in the Parish Church of St. Mary-Le-Bow, on Friday February 21, 1752.
London, UK: Edward Owen, 1752, 71 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Hudgell, Robert W.
The Church of England: Catholic and Apostolic: A Sermon.
Chatham, NB: "Miramichi Advance" Office, n.d., 11 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Byles, Mather.
A Victory Ascribed to God. a Sermon Delivered December 2, 1798, at Trinity Church, Saint John, on the Late Signal Successes Granted to His Majesty's Arms.
Saint John, NB: J. Ryan, n.d. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion