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Displaying 51 - 75 of 76
Addy, Katherine. A History of the United Church Women of Kirk-Mccoll United Church in St. Stephen, New Brunswick. St. Stephen, NB: Kirk-McColl United Church, 1978, 80 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Mitchinson, Wendy. "Canadian Women and Church Missionary Societies in the Nineteenth Century: A Step Towards Independence." Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice / Études Critiques sur le Genre, la Culture, et la Justice, vol. 2, 1977, 57-75. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Presbyterian Church In Canada. Historical Sketches of Churches and W.M.S. Auxiliaries in the Saint John Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Moncton, N.B.: St. John Presbytery of the Women's Missionary Society, 1968, 26 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Collection(s): Religion

Collection(s): Religion

Fullerton, Clara R., Martell, C. H., and Hutchinson, David M. Fifty Years with the United Baptist Missionary Women of the Maritime Provinces. [Wolfville, NS], 1920, 99 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Martell, C. H., Fullerton, Clara R., and Hutchinson, David M. Historical Sketch of the United Baptist Woman's Missionary Union of the Maritime Provinces. [Wolfville, NS]: United Baptist Woman's Missionary Union, 1920, 99 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Sawyer, Artemus, W. Education of Women in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: An Historical Sketch. [Windsor, NS], 1910, 18 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Bill, Ingraham E. True Womanhood. , 1898, 15 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Parker, David O. Tribute to the Memory of Unity A. Chipman: Wife of G. W. Eaton, Esq. [Saint John, NB], 1895, 30 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Anderson, Maggie P. Sick-Room Thoughts and Gleanings. Saint John, NB: Daily Telegraph Book and Job Press, 1892, 146 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Maritime Woman's Christian Temperance Union. "Minutes of the Maritime Woman's Christian Temperance Union." The Union, 1889. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Church Needlework Society Of New Brunswick. Constitution: Objects, Rules, Etc. of the Church Needlework Society of New Brunswick. , 1864, 7 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Wishart, William T. Female Sex: a Lecture Delivered in the St. John Mechanics' Institute. St. John, NB, 1852. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Rand, Silas T. The History of Poor Sarah; a Pious Indian Woman, in Micmac. [Halifax, NS], 1850, 12 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Bradley, Mary. Narrative of the Life and Christian Experience of Mrs. Mary Bradley of Saint John, New Brunswick. Boston: Strong & Brodhead, 1849, 375 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Wesleyan Methodist Church In Canada. Missionary Society. New Brunswick Auxiliary. "Annual Report of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Auxiliary Society for the New-Brunswick District." , 1824. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion