Foxy Freddy's Bicentennial Party

Publication Details

Item Type
Place of Publication
Fredericton, NB
Brunswick Press
Publication Date
NB Imprint

Foxy Freddy's Bicentennial Party brings back the characters originally created by Al Morrison, adapted by his son Jim in Foxy Freddy and His Friends (1976). In twelve interconnected stories, the book follows the characters as they learn about New Brunswick history and prepare to celebrate the province's bicentennial. Provincial locales such as Fredericton, Saint John, and Maugerville are mentioned, as are historical politicians and civic leaders. David Bailey's black-and-white drawings appear on most pages. At times, the illustrations mimic the anthropomorphized style of Sheila Cotton in the original Foxy Freddy book, but mostly Bailey creates naturalistic representations of the characters. 

Physical Description: 70 pp. 13.5 cm x 21 cm; softcover.


Availability: Extremely rare. UNB Libraries owns a single copy, but only a handful of copies are listed in OCLC libraries and by the New Brunswick Public Library Service. None appear in the used book trade. "