How to be Kind

Publication Details

Item Type
Place of Publication
Brunswick Press
Publication Date
NB Imprint

In 1962, Brunswick Press published How to be Kind, the official handbook for the Kindness Club, a Fredericton-based organization dedicated to the humane treatment of animals. The handbook is divided into twelve lessons or programs with songs, games, poems, hymns, and stories. Information about the proper treatment and care of wild and domestic creatures is included, and issues such as circuses, zoos, vegetarianism, and the Newfoundland seal hunt are discussed.  The book opens with a letter from Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Albert Schweitzer, known for his "reverence for life" philosophy, in which he accepts the role of honorary president of the Kindness Club. The book's simple black-and-white illustrations are by Hope Sawyer Buyukmihci. 

Physical Description: 184 pp. 11.4 cm x 16.8 cm; softcover.


The handbook was promoted consistently in the Atlantic Advocate throughout the 1960s and was printed four times: October 1962, January 1963, 1966, and 1975. 

Availability: Rare. Copies can be found in some OCLC libraries across North America, including UNB Libraries, but none are owned by the New Brunswick Public Library Service. The 1975 edition appears occasionally in the used book trade.