The Canadian Family Robinson: A Modern Tale of the Shipwreck and Subsequent Adventures of a Family

Publication Details

Item Type
Place of Publication
Fredericton, NB
Brunswick Press
Publication Date
NB Imprint

The Canadian Family Robinson is the only middle-grade novel published by Brunswick Press. It tells the story of the Rev. A.W. Robinson, his wife, and three children: Jack (15), Billy (11), and Charmion (4). They are stranded on a deserted island en route to the "far off southern island" where they were to take up their missionary charge. Taking inspiration from its fictional predecessor, The Swiss Family Robinson, the family spends an industrious but happy summer adapting their new surroundings to the Canadian and Christian way of life. As the 1935 review in the Telegraph Journal put it: "Through the whole delightful narrative there runs a golden thread of religious feeling."

Physical Description: 254 pp. 13.2 cm x 19.6 cm; softcover.


Availability: Very rare. Only a handful of OCLC library copies of exist worldwide, including UNB Libraries. Occasionally it is for the sale in the used book trade.