James Angrave

James Demetrius Angrave was born in Montreal on 23 January 1934, graduated from high school there and went on to gain three degrees from Bishop's University including a BA in History and Economics in 1954, a Diploma in Education in 1958, and an MA in Education in 1963. He taught a wide variety of subjects at Three Rivers High School in Quebec and became the English Department Head at Rosemere High School (also in Quebec) and finally, from 1961-1963, the principal of the school. He returned to Bishop's in 1963 as associate Professor and Head of the Graduate School of Education; he remained until 1974, earning a Ph.D. from the University of Sheffield in 1973. From 1974-1976 Dr. Angrave was an Education and Research for the Department of Education in the Northwest Territories. A two-year stint followed at the University of British Columbia as the Education Director of the B.S. Council for Leadership in Education. He spent three years at Bonaventure High School in the Gaspe as Head of Science and Senior Mathematics. In 1983 he moved to Sedbergh School in Montebello as Head of Science and Senior Housemaster. Angrave died on 2 March 1999 and is buried in Ontario.



Dr. James Angrave.” New Staff, Ashburian 1986, Internet Archive. Accessed 21 July 2023.

Bibliography Items

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Angrave, James. "John Strachan and Scottish Influence in the Charter of King's College, York, 1827." Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'Études Canadiennes, vol. 11, no. 3, 1976, 60–68. [ journal article ]
Collection(s): Religion