Jules Boudreau

Jules Boudreau was born 12 May 1941  in Maisonnette, a small village in northeastern New Brunswick where he still lives. In addition to being the founder or co-founder of several troupes (Les Élouèzes, Le Théâtre de la Dune, La Troupe 2%), he has about 20 plays to his credit, several of which were performed on stage (Cochu et le soleil, La Bringue, Images de notre enfance, and Des amis pas pareils) or broadcast on the national Radio-Canada network (Louise et le soldat, La Reine Horse, Poker électrique, and Requiem pour Florian). He wrote the dialogue of Louis Mailloux, a musical with songs and music by Calixte Duguay, which was produced six times from 1975 to 1994 and in 2010 and 2011. He also wrote the script and dialogue for the musical comedy La Lambique, also with Calixte Duguay, which was performed in Caraquet in 1984 and staged by Viola Léger. He toured schools in New Brunswick (1985) and Quebec (1986, 1993) to present his work and talk about his writing process. Five of his plays were published by Éditions d’Acadie (1979 and 1989), and eight plays were published in a collection by Éditions de la Grande Marée in 2008. In addition to his stage writing, he published a collection of short stories: Chroniques d’une île de la côte (Éditions d'Acadie, 1999), and a children's novel, Le mystère de la maison grise (Chenelière-McGraw Hill, 2003). A second short story collection entitled Chroniques d’une île de la côte, tome 2, came out in 2012, from Les Éditions de la Francophonie. The jury of the Prix France-Acadie gave him a special award in 2010 for his body of work. In 2014, he published the book Bâtisseurs de l'Acadie, on the outstanding personalities in the history of Acadia, with Éditions la Grande Marée. This work reproduced texts published in the form of a weekly column in the daily L'Acadie nouvelle. His first novel, Les Potabrés, was published in 2018, again by Éditions la Grande Marée.


"Jules Boudreau. New Brunswick Author Portal, New Brunswick Public Libraries. Accessed 6 July 2023.

Headshot of Jules Boudreau
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Jules Boudreau


"Jules Boudreau. New Brunswick Author Portal, New Brunswick Public Libraries. Accessed 6 July 2023.

Bibliography Items

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Boudreau, Jules. Bâtisseurs de l'Acadie. Tracadie-Sheila, NB: Éditions La Grande Marée, 2014, 218 pp. [ book ]