Hiram Ladd Spencer
Hiram Ladd Spencer was born at Castleton, Vermont on 28 April 1829. He may have attended Harvard and taught school for a while, and in the 1840s contributed to Knickerbocker, Sartain’s, and Graham’s Magazines. Later he wrote for the New York Tribune and Post and the Boston Journal. He was editor of the Rutland Herald (Vermont) in 1850. He moved to Saint John, New Brunswick in 1863 and for a time edited the Maritime Monthly. For years he was on staff of the Saint John Telegraph and Sun, and later the Record and Gazette. His publications include Poems (1848); Summer Saunterings Away Down East (1850); A Song of the Years, and a Memory of Acadia (1889); and, The Fugitives: a sheaf of verses (1909). He eventually retired to a friend’s house in Whitehead, Kings County where he ran a small store and contributed sketches to the daily press of Saint John as the Ingle Nook Philosopher of Kennebeccasis Bay. Spencer died 15 October 1915 and is buried in the Fernhill Cemetery in Saint John.
Spencer, Hiram Ladd. The Fugitives: A Sheaf of Verses. J. A. Bowes, 1909. Accessed 9 May 2023.
Archival Material
Spencer, Hiram Ladd
⌄Retrieval NumberSpencer, Hiram Ladd CB DOCDate Range of Material1906Extent
2 letters, 1 photograph
Scope and Content Note1. Letter from poet Hiram Ladd Spencer (Whitehead, Kings Co.) to A.M. Pound, 1906
2. Photograph of grave monument of H.L. Spencer (d. 1915, Fernhill Cemetery) and photocopy of covering letter, B.E. Paterson (Halifax Club) to A.M. Belding (Saint John) 1938

Hiram Ladd Spencer
"Hiram Ladd Spencer." Find a Grave, Memorial ID 212830898, citing Fernhill Cemetery, Saint John, Saint John County, New Brunswick, Canada; Maintained by Mike Hetherington (contributor 49050370). Accessed 9 May 2023.