Elspeth Bradbury

Born 7 December 1939 in Greenocki, Scotland, Elspeth Bradbury immigrated to Saint John, New Brunswick in 1968, then moved to Vancouver in 1988. A landscape architect, she wrote Is That You This Is Me (Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1982) and co-authored, along with Judy Maddocks, The Garden Letters (Polestar, 1995) and The Real Garden Road Trip (Polestar, 1997).  While serving on the West Vancouver Heritage Advisory Committee,  Bradbury produced a coffee table book on forestry of that area as a fundraiser for the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society, West Vancouver: A View Through the Trees (District of West Vancouver, 2007). The collaborative effort was edited by Valerie Frith. 



"Bradbury, Elspeth." ABC Bookworld. Accessed 2 May 2023.

Predominant New Brunswick Residences:


Cover of Elspeth Bradbury's book "Is That You This is Me"
Picture Caption

Cover of Elspeth Bradbury's book "Is That You This is Me"



Worldcat record image for Bradbury, Elspeth, and Kathy Hooper. Is That You This Is Me : Poems. Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1982.. Accessed 2 May 2023.

Bibliography Items

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Bradbury, Elspeth. Is that you this is me: poems. Fredericton, N.B.: Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1982, 48 pp.. [ book ]
Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints