David Etheridge

David Etheridge was born in 1949. In 1978, Etheridge wrote a play for Theatre New Brunswick entitled, A Peaceable People, which told a story of the history of the Acadians in New Brunswick.  Etheridge also wrote the play …left in slow motion, produced by UNB Drama Society and CBC Radio and published in 1981 as the first Drama Chapbook in the New Brunswick Chapbook series. Etheridge lectured at UNB for the Department of English.


"David Etheridge." AFB www.gusbooks.com. Accessed 4 May 2023.

Predominant New Brunswick Residences:


Front cover of ...left in slow motion, sketch of man walking across field
Picture Caption

David Etheridge's "...left in slow motion"


"...left in slow motion (signed)." AbeBooks.  Accessed 25 April 2023.

Bibliography Items

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Etheridge, David. --left in slow motion: a one-act drama. Fredericton: New Brunswick Chapbooks, 1981, 30 pp.. [ book ]
Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints