Sandra Alston

Sandra Alston is Canadiana specialist at the University of Toronto Library and holds a Master of Library Science degree from that university. An active member of the Bibliographical Society of America, the Champlain Society, and several university committees, she served as president of the Bibliographical Society of Canada (1991–1993). Her articles on literary and bibliographic subjects have appeared in Canadian periodicals. She has also produced several books, including, in conjunction with Patricia Fleming, Early Canadian Printing: A Supplement to Marie Tremaine's A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints, 1751–1800 (University of Toronto Press, 1999), Toronto in Print: A Celebration of 200 Years of the Printing Press in Toronto, 1798–1998 (Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, 1998), and, with Karen Evans, A Bibliography of Canadiana, Being Items in the Metropolitan Toronto Library Relating to the Early History and Development of Canada: Second Supplement, 4 vols. (Metropolitan Toronto Library Board, 1985–1989). In 1988 the Bibliographical Society of Canada awarded her the Tremaine Medal in bibliography. She retired from the University of Toronto Robarts Library in 2010.

Source: "About Canadian Poetry." The Editorial Board, Chadwyck-Healey Literature Collection. Accessed 20July 2023.

Bibliography Items

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Fleming, Patricia L. and Alston, Sandra. Early Canadian Printing: A Supplement to Marie Tremaine's A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints, 1751-1800. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999, xxiii, 629 pp.. [ book ]
Collection(s): Bibliographies