Gillian S. Allen

Gillian S. Allen received her MA in Atlantic Canada Studies from St. Mary's University in 1993. Allen is the senior research officer for the Kwilm’kw Maw-klusuaqn Negotiation Office.  She has worked for more than 25 years for the Mi’kmaw Nation in the field of Aboriginal title, Aboriginal rights, and treaty rights research, negotiation, and litigation.



Peace, T. & Allen, G. Rethinking Access to the Past: History and Archives in the Digital Age. Acadiensis, 48(2), 2019, 217-229. Accessed 20 July 2023.

Bibliography Items

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Allen, Gillian S. The Mi'kmaq Bibliography: A Guide to Secondary Sources. Shubenacadie, NS: Treaty & Aboriginal Rights Research Centre, Indian Brook Mi'kmaq Nation Community, 2000, var. pp.. [ book ]
Collection(s): Bibliographies