Meredith J. Batt

Meredith J. Batt grew up in Moncton and has been living in Fredericton since September 2018. They are an Assistant Archivist at the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick. Batt earned a B.A. in History at Université de Moncton. They are now the Vice-President of the Queer Heritage Initiative of New Brunswick, which aims to collect the 2LGBTQ+ history of the province. Batt is the co-author of Len & Cub: A Queer History.

Meredith Batt standing in front of bookshelves
Picture Caption

Meredith Batt

Credit: Author photo for Archiving LGBT+ History, Information Without Borders, 2020. Accessed 30 April 2023.

Bibliography Items

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Green, Dusty and Batt, Meredith J. Len & Cub : a queer history. Fredericton, NB: Goose Lane Editions, 2022, 167 pp. [ book ]