Jennifer Houle
Jennifer Houle was born in 1977 and grew up in Shediac. Houle began publishing in Canadian literary journals in 2005, and is the author of two award-winning poetry collections, The Back Channels (2016)and Virga (2019). Her first children’s book, Un Logis Pour Molly/A Home for Molly was published simultaneously in French and English by Éditions Bouton d’Or Acadie in June 2022. In 2020, Virga received the Fiddlehead Poetry Prize from the New Brunswick Book Awards. A life-long Maritimer, she lives in Hanwell, NB, where she sits on the board of Word Feast, Fredericton’s Literary Festival and is actively involved in the arts community.
"About." Accessed 18 May 2023.

Jennifer Houle
"About." Accessed 18 May 2023.