Rachel Bryant
Rachel Bryant is a writer and educator who was born in 1983 in Fredericton and has lived in Grand Manan, St. Andrews and the Kingston Peninsula. She currently lives in Menahkwesk/Saint John. She earned her undergraduate degree from UNB Saint John, and finished her PhD in 2016. She became a Research Associate at the Mi'kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre after completing a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at Dalhousie University in 2020. Bryant teaches courses on the UNB Saint John campus in the departments of History and Politics, and Humanities and Languages. She was awarded a Departmental Award for Teaching Excellence (2021-2022). Her writings about Wabanaki, colonial, and settler colonial literary history have been published in numerous journals, including AlterNative, NAIS, Settler Colonial Studies, Canadian Literature, and others. Her first book, The Homing Place (2017), was awarded the Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick Book Award for Non-Fiction.
"Rachel Bryant." University of New Brunswick Faculty-Staff Directory. Accessed 2 June 2023.

Rachel Bryant
"Rachel Bryant." University of New Brunswick Faculty-Staff Directory. Accessed 2 June 2023.