Robert Wilson
Bibliography Items
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Wilson, Robert.
Sermon Preached in St. Paul's Church, Fredericton, at the Induction of the Rev. John Birkmyre into His Charge, November 4 1832.
Saint John, NB: D.A. Cameron, 1832, 16 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Wilson, Robert.
The Papal Supremacy Examined: Ninth Lecture Delivered Before the Protestant Alliance of Nova Scotia at Temperance Hall, Halifax, on Friday Evening, April 29th, 1859.
Halifax, NS: Wesleyan Conference Steam Press, 1859, 37 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Wilson, Robert.
Judea and the Jews, or the Past and Future of the Hebrew Race.
St. John, NB: G.W. Day, 1861, 48 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Wilson, Robert.
Piety Portrayed in the Lives and Deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Burpee, of Sheffield, N.B.
[Saint John, NB]: Henry Chubb & Co., 1870, 14 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Wilson, Robert.
Never Give Up; or, Life in the Lower Provinces.
Saint John, NB: Daily News Steam Job Office, 1878, 287 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Wilson, Robert and Anti-Tobacco Association of St. John N. B.
"The Tobacco Nuisance in a Letter to John Smith, Esq."
Prize Essays on Tobacco. St. John, NB: Daily Telegraph Book and Job Press, 1889, 35-54. [ book section ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Wilson, Robert.
Methodism in the Maritime Provinces.
Halifax, NS: S.F. Huestis, 1893, 60 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion
Wilson, Robert.
The Doctrines, Institutions and Usages of the Methodist Church.
St. John, NB: Sun Print. Co., 1893, 34 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Wilson, Robert, A. L. O. N. B, and Talmage De Witt, T.
Rays of Light from Bible Lands: Embracing Historical Sketches of the Five Great Empires of Antiquity, Egypt, Nineveh, Babylon, Tyre and Persia, Whose Remarkable Career and Complete Overthrow Attest to the Truths of Sacred Story.
St. John, NB: R.A.H. Morrow, 1896, 88 pp. [ book ]
Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints
Wilson, Robert.
Methodism in Eastern Canada.
Methodist Magazine and Review, vol. 50, no. 1, 1899, 43-48. [ journal article ]
Collection(s): Religion