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Displaying 451 - 475 of 3776
McGrath Kent, Jennifer. Chocolate River rescue. Halifax, NS: Nimbus Publishing Limited, 2007, 108 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project

Harrison, Brigitte. Le cirque solitaire : poèmes. Moncton, NB: Éditions Perce-Neige, 2007, 76 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project, New Brunswick Imprints

Thurlby, Malcolm. Two Churches by Frank Wills: St. Peter's, Barton, and St. Paul's, Glanford, and the Ecclesiological Gothic Revival in Ontario. The Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, vol. 32, no. 1, 2007, 49-60. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Leroux, John. Architecture of the Spirit: Modernism in 1950s and 1960s Fredericton. The Journal of Canadian Art History, vol. 28, 2007, 8-37. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Claus, Jo Anne and Irving, John F. Taking it to the Street: Heritage Rehab Brings New Life to Downtown Saint John. Heritage: The Magazine of the Heritage Canada Foundation, vol. 10, no. 2, 2007, 6-13. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Brown, Wayde. Percy Nobbs and the Memorial Garden at Grand Pré. , vol. 32, no. 2, 2007, 29-38. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Ennals, Peter and Holdsworth, Deryck W. Looking Backward and Moving Forward: Early House Building Patterns Among the Yorkshire Settlers of Chignecto. Material Culture Review, vol. 65, 2007, 32-46. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Roy, Ronald J. The McAdam Train Station: A Place for People. Heritage: Magazine of the Heritage Canada Foundation, vol. 10, no. 4, 2007, 4-19. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Unknown. Michaela MacLeod Wins the Prix de Rome in Architecture for Emerging Practicioners. The Canadian Architect, vol. 52, no. 5, 2007, 15. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Anonymous. Bishop Joseph Faber MacDonald Resigned as Bishop of Saint John (Canada). Osservatore Romano, vol. 1961, 2006, 2-2. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Lane, Hannah M. "Evangelicals, Church Finance, and Wealth-Holding in Mid-Nineteenth-Century St Stephen, New Brunswick, and Calais, Maine." Edited by Gauvreau, Michael, and Hubert, Ollivier. The Churches and Social Order in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Canada. Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen's U. P., 2006, 109-150. [ book section ]

Collection(s): Religion

Matthews, Bruce. "Buddhism in Atlantic Canada." Buddhism in Canada. New York, NY: Routledge, 2006, 151-161. [ book section ]

Collection(s): Religion

Goodwin, Daniel C. "Meaning of "Baptist Union" in Maritime Canada, 1846-1906." Edited by Randall, Ian M., Pilli, Toivo, and Cross, Anthony R. Baptist Identities: International Studies from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2006, 153-74. [ book section ]

Collection(s): Religion

McLaughlin, Robert. A century of golf at Fredericton Golf Club, Country Club of Fredericton, Fredericton Golf and Curling Club: 1900-2000. Fredericton: Fredericton Golf and Curling Club, 2006, 211 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Fuller, Ainsley. The "Winnipeg Free Press", the "Globe and Mail", and the Jewish Refugee Crisis, 1933--1939. 2006. University of New Brunswick. M.A. [ thesis ]

Collection(s): Religion

Ruff, Lanette. Religiosity, Resources, and Regrets: Religious and Social Variations in Conservative Protestant Mothering. 2006. University of New Brunswick (Canada). Ph.D. [ thesis ]

Collection(s): Religion

Blades, Joe. A poem for Barry Colpitts. Fredericton, NB: Broken Jaw Press, 2006. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Walker, Willa. Summers in St. Andrews: Canada's Idyllic Seaside Resort. Fredericton, N.B.: Goose Lane, 2006, 190 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Architecture, New Brunswick Imprints

Mullen, Vesta D. "I Believe in ... the Communion of Saints": Ordained Ministers of the Reformed Baptist Church 1888-1966. Shoals, IN: Old Paths Tract Society, 2006, 433 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

New Brunswick Genealogical Society. Anglican Church Marriage Register (1833-1932): Chatham Parish, Northumberland County, New Brunswick. Miramichi, NB: NB Genealogical Society, Miramichi Branch, 2006. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Bray, L. Dawn. History of Notre Dame Union Church and Cemetery. , 2006. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Estey, Dale. The Elephant Talks to God. Fredericton, NB: Goose Lane Editions, 2006, 122 pp. [ book ]


Maillet, Antonine. On the eighth day. Fredericton, NB: Goose Lane Editions, 2006, 274 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project, New Brunswick Imprints

Maillet, Antonine. Pierre Bleu : roman. Montreal, QC: Leméac, 2006, 281 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project