Search - Building Materials and Techniques

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Miller, Randall F. and Hughes, Gary. Rebuilt In Stone: Geology and the Stone Buildings of Saint John, New Brunswick. Saint John: New Brunswick Museum, 2009, 30 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Henstridge, Jack. About Building Cordwood. Upper Gagetown, NB: Jack Henstridge, 1997, 72 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Martin, Gwen L. For Love of Stone. Fredericton: New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources Division, 1990, xvi, 178 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Little, Marilee. "Log Homes Take Root in New Brunswick." The Atlantic Advocate, vol. 79, no. 3, 1988, 7-10. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Webster, Michael. "Second Site: A Maritime House Designer Sees the Future in the Past." Harrowsmith, vol. 10, no. 4, 1985, 30-9. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Unknown. The Sun Book. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy, 1979, vi, 58 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Argue, Robert, Emanuel, Barbara, and Graham, Stephen. The Sun Builders: A People's Guide to Solar, Wind and Wood Energy in Canada. Toronto: Renewable Energy in Canada, 1978, 254 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Henstridge, Jack. Building the Cordwood Home. Oromocto, NB: Jack Henstridge, 1977, viii, 96 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Cunningham, Robert J. and Prince, John B. Tamped Clay and Saltmarsh Hay: (Artifacts of New Brunswick). Fredericton, N.B.: Brunswick Press, 1976, xvi, 280 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Unknown. "Let a Computer Choose Your Building Materials." The Canadian Architect, vol. 19, no. 6, 1974, 69-70. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Ritchie, Thomas. Canada Builds 1867-1967. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967, x, 406 pp.. [ book ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Leslie, Arthur K. "An Innovation in Apartments." The Atlantic Advocate, vol. 53, no. 11, 1965, 75-7. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Unknown. "This Apartment Rose Under a Jack-up Shelter." Canadian Builder, vol. 13, no. 10, 1963, 50. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Unknown. "Modular, Precast System Provides Low-Cost Housing." Canadian Builder, vol. 13, no. 11, 1963, 33. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture