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Displaying 3351 - 3375 of 4057
Licking, William G. Reminiscences of the Redemptorist Fathers: Rev. John Beil, Rev. Patrick M'Givern, Rev. John O'Brien, Rev. Leopold Petsch. Ilchester, MD: Redemporist College, 1891, 266 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Methodist Church. General Conference. Centennial of Canadian Methodism. Toronto, ON: W. Briggs, 1891, 339 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Ketchum, William Quintard and Raymond, W. O. Proceedings at the Centennial Commemoration of the Ordination of Rev. Frederick Dibblee. Saint John, NB: Barnes & Co., 1891, 37 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Stevens, Lorenzo G. Hymns and Carols, Old and New (Annotated), for the Sunday School and Home, Together with a Short Liturgy. Saint John, NB: J. & A. McMillan, 1891, 365 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

MacPherson, James Pennington. Life of the Right Hon. Sir John A. MacDonald. Saint John, NB: Earle Pub. Housse, 1891. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Saint John Gas Light Company. To the shareholders of the Saint John Gas Light Company. St. John, N.B., 1891, 4 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Bryant, Hubbard W. "Rev. Eugene Vetromile, a Brief Sketch of His Life and Philologic Labors." Maine Historical Society Collections and Proceedings, vol. 1, no. 2, 1890, 309-312. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

"[Journal] The Church Bell." Round Hill, King's Co. N.B., 1890. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Religion

Ladies Sewing Circle Of St Paul's Church. Rothesay Recipe Book. , 1890. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Mowatt, A. J. Words of Life: Sermons. Fredericton, NB: "Reporter" Steam Printing Office, 1890, 352 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Stewart, W. J. The Pioneer Secretary of Modern Missions. Saint John, NB: J. & A. McMillan, 1890, 28 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Western New Brunswick Baptist Association. A Declaration of the Faith, Practice and Covenant, of the Churches of Christ, Composing the Eastern and Western N.B. Baptist Associations. Saint John, NB: Christian Visitor Steam Press, 1890, 7 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

McDonald, G. B., Sherwood, W. H., and Baker, Sharp A. History of the Organization of the Reformed Baptist Denomination of the Dominion of Canada. Saint John, NB: G. E. Day Printers, 1890, 105 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Union Baptist Seminary. Annual Catalogue, Union Baptist Seminary, St. Martins, N.B. 1889-90. Saint John, NB: G.W. Day, 1890, 32 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Yonge, Charlotte M. The Seal, or, the Inward Spiritual Grace of Confirmation. Fredericton, NB: W.T.H. Fenety, 1890, 14 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Mattew, George Frederic. A preliminary notice of a new genus of Silurian fish. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, 1890. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Kingdon, Hollingworth T. God Incarnate: The Bishop Paddock Lecture, 1890. New York, NY: Thomas Whittaker, 1890, 252 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Dixon, F. A. History of Sackville Methodism. Sackville, NB, 1890. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Henderson, George A. Early Saint John Methodism and History of Centenary Church, Saint John, N.B.: A Jubilee Souvenir. Saint John, NB: G. E. Day, 1890, 176 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Hartley, Henry, A. S. "Ta tou pragma Emou biou" or Some Concerns of My Life. Amherst, NS: Daily Press, 1890, 310 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Bruce, G. Morning Thoughts for Busy Days. Saint John, NB: J. & A. McMillan, 1890, 96 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints