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Displaying 2051 - 2075 of 4057
Goupil, Laval. Tête d'eau : pièce en 3 tableaux et 2 finales. Moncton, NB: Editions d'Acadie, 1974, 64 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): NB Authors' Archival Papers project, New Brunswick Imprints

Collection(s): Religion

McDormand, Thomas B. Unforgettable Encounters: "Flashbacks" from Fifty Years of Varied and Far-Flung Ministries. Saint John, NB: Lingley Printing Co. Ltd., 1974, 157 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion, New Brunswick Imprints

Belliveau, John Edward. A place called Pointe du Chene: an informal history, 1686-1974. Pointe du Chene, N.B.: Belliveau, 1974, 42 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Hayward, George H. 1851 census, Sunbury County, New Brunswick, Canada. Fredericton: The Archives, 1974. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Bayley, Robert C. and Grace Memorial United Baptist Church (fredericton, N.b.). "Praise him with organs" (Ps. 150): organ recital. Fredericton, N.B.: Grace Memorial United Baptist Church, 1974. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints, Religion

Hawkes, George D. A History of Trinity Anglican Church and Its Rectors, 1792-1974. [Sussex, NB]: [Trinity Anglican Church], 1974, 38 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Betts, E. Arthur and United Church Of Canada. Bishop Black and His Preachers: The Story of Maritime Methodism to 1825. Halifax, NS: Maritime Conference Archives, Pine Hill Divinity Hall, 1974, 80 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Religion

Citizens' Bridge Committee (Fredericton, N.B.). A different bridge another location: we can't wait until 1980. Fredericton N.B.: The Committee, 1974. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Citizens' Bridge Committee (Fredericton, N.B.). A different bridge another location: people not pavement we're fighting the highway. Fredericton, N.B.: {The Committee, 1974. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Picot, J. Ernest and New Brunswick Department of Education. A brief history of teacher training in New Brunswick, 1848-1973. Fredericton, N.B.: The Dept., 1974. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints

Bush, Edward F. The Canadian Lighthouse. Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1974, 169 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Unknown. "Let a Computer Choose Your Building Materials." The Canadian Architect, vol. 19, no. 6, 1974, 69-70. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Macmillan, Gail. "Restoring a Working Farm." The Atlantic Advocate, vol. 65, no. 3, 1974, 43-4. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Robinson, Willard B. "North American Martello Towers." Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 33, no. 2, 1974, 158-64. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Carroll, John. "Moncton's Leap Forward." The Atlantic Advocate, vol. 65, no. 4, 1974, 19-21. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Grasse, Fred. "Saint John is Changing." The Atlantic Advocate, vol. 64, no. 7, 1974, 44-8. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Kneebone, Sterling. "New Brunswick's Capital City on the Move." The Atlantic Advocate, vol. 64, no. 6, 1974, 33-4. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Richardson, Douglas Scott. "Letter to the editors." The Journal of Canadian Art History, vol. 1, no. 2, 1974, 41-6. [ journal article ]

Collection(s): Architecture

Unknown. New Brunswick Collection: A Bibliography of Works at the Fredericton Public Library, 193 York St. Fredericton, NB: Fredericton Public Library, 1974, n. pag. [ book ]

Collection(s): New Brunswick Imprints, Bibliographies

Herisson, Michel R.P. An Evaluative Ethno-Historical Bibliography of the Malecite Indians. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, 1974, vii, 260 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Bibliographies

Mullen, C.E. Literature Review: Fundy National Park. Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1974, 79 pp. [ book ]

Collection(s): Bibliographies